TIME: Almanac 1995
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Nov. 15, 1993: Toxins On Tap
TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1993
Nov. 15, 1993 A Christian In Winter:Billy Graham
<source>Time Magazine</source>
Toxins On Tap
<p>The water Americans drink may look clear and clean, but it often
contains noxious chemicals and malicious microbes
<p>By MICHAEL D. LEMONICK--Reported by Greg Aunapu/Miami, Marc Hequet/St. Paul and Dick
<p> "Don't drink the water," goes the old admonition to tourists
visiting underdeveloped countries. But most Americans don't
look with suspicion at their own kitchen faucet.
<p> Maybe they should. Overall, the U.S. still has one of the cleanest
water supplies in the world, but that doesn't mean it's safe
in all places at all times. This year's headlines have destroyed
any illusions about the purity of water coming from spigots
in town and country.
<p> In April enough of a microorganism got through treatment plants
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to turn the city's drinking water into
a bilious brew, sickening nearly half the population and killing
one person--and a few weeks ago, the same bug turned up again
during a routine test. In July residents in the Chelsea section
of New York City had to boil their water to kill potentially
dangerous bacteria. Just three weeks ago, health officials tacked
warnings on 71 houses in Gastonia, North Carolina, advising
people that an industrial chemical had been detected in their
wells at levels many times higher than what the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency allows.
<p> Hardly a week goes by, in fact, without reports about contaminated
water somewhere in the nation, and the incidents that make news
are only a tiny part of the problem. According to a new study
by the Natural Resources Defense Council, there were some 250,000
violations of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act in 1991 and
1992 alone, affecting more than 120 million people. Americans
are ingesting such noxious pollutants as bacteria, viruses,
lead, gasoline, radioactive gases and carcinogenic industrial
compounds. "Like so many other problems that we have swept under
the rug during the past decade and more," says David Ozonoff
of Boston University's School of Public Health, "the national
task of assuring that our drinking water is safe to drink can
no longer be postponed."
<p> Fortunately, it doesn't have to be. The Senate has begun hearings
that will ultimately lead to the reauthorization, and possible
strengthening, of the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act. But the
debate will be long and difficult. Environmental groups such
as the N.R.D.C. want stricter enforcement of the existing rules,
along with new or tougher standards on contaminants like radioactive
radon gas and arsenic. Lined up on the other side are state
and local governments and water utilities, which insist they
don't have enough money to comply with the law as it is, let
alone additional rules. The regulations should be relaxed, they
say, not strengthened.
<p> It's true that the N.R.D.C. report is far from perfect. Many
of the violations it cites involve nothing more than late filing
of field reports, and its complaint that only 1% of violations
result in "final formal enforcement actions" is misleading.
Says James Cleland of the Michigan public service department:
"In our state, we address 99% of the violations, but we don't
address them all with formal enforcement. Sometimes all it takes
is a telephone call."
<p> Yet it isn't just the environmentalists who see a problem. A
survey by the federal Centers for Disease Control shows that
in 1989 and 1990, 4,288 people in 16 states got sick, and four
died, from bacteria and viruses in their water. And last spring
the nonpartisan General Accounting Office found, among other
things, that many water systems do not test for all the pollutants
the EPA considers dangerous, and don't evaluate distribution
systems, operators or inspectors. Based on these and other studies,
the N.R.D.C. has identified several especially worrisome hazards:
<p> PATHOGENS: These include bacteria, viruses and protozoa such
as the cryptosporidium that struck Milwaukee. These sicken 900,000
people a year, says the N.R.D.C. report, and kill perhaps 900,
usually those with weak immune systems (the very young and very
old, AIDS sufferers and organ-transplant patients).
<p> TRIHALOMETHANES: Ironically, these compounds are by-products
of the chlorine used to kill waterborne pathogens. The N.R.D.C.
estimates that these chemicals may cause more than 10,000 bladder
and rectal cancers a year.
<p> ARSENIC: The dangers of low-level exposure are still being debated,
but some 350,000 people may be taking in more than the EPA allows.
<p> LEAD: The risks have been known for years, but plenty of lead
still gets into drinking water, since testing for the heavy
metal is not universal. About 560,000 children have unacceptably
high levels of lead in their blood, which could lead to neurological
problems. The EPA also calculates that 680,000 cases of high
blood pressure in adult men could be prevented by reducing lead
in drinking water.
<p> RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION: There are no rules about how much
is safe, but the N.R.D.C. cites EPA figures showing that about
50 million Americans drink radon-tainted water. The tasteless,
odorless gas, which seeps into water naturally from underground
rocks in many areas, is a proven cause of both lung and rectal
<p> All the reports and studies agree that the problem is not so
much with large water systems like Milwaukee's and New York
City's, which have the resources and expertise to prevent contamination
or, at worst, deal with it when it occurs. Even when the government
has to pressure a system to force compliance with water standards--as with the $900,000 fine levied under the Safe Water Act
against Butte Water Company in Montana for bacterial contamination--enforcement usually focuses on systems that serve thousands
of people.
<p> The real danger lies with the 83% of systems that have fewer
than 3,000 customers each but serve a total of 20 million Americans.
These systems can't charge enough to pay for the necessary tests,
and the law allows them an exemption from the rules if they
can demonstrate economic hardship. That puts customers at risk.
<p> What can be done? Predictably, the two sides in the debate mostly
talk past each other, with environmentalists stressing the dangers
and water providers focusing on costs and the inflexibility
of the laws. For example, the EPA requires testing for dioxin,
a possible human carcinogen, but, argues Wayne Kern of the North
Dakota department of health, "the industries that are common
sources of dioxin just do not exist in North Dakota."
<p> And while admitting that some pollutants are indeed present
and dangerous, officials protest that there are limits to what
they can do. Radon may cause 200 fatal lung and rectal cancers
a year. Yet the Association of California Water Agencies estimates
that to eliminate it completely from water in that state alone
would cost $3.7 billion. Is that a reasonable investment for
preventing perhaps a score of deaths? Is $711 million per case
of cancer too much to pay for the elimination of pentachlorophenol,
a fungicide used in the lumber industry, or $80 billion per
case too much to get rid of alachlor, an agricultural chemical?
<p> Water agencies want the revised Safe Water Act to make the EPA
take such calculations into account when imposing rules, and
to forbid the U.S. government to issue standards without supplying
the money it takes to meet them--a position the National Governors'
Association has seconded. A 1991 study showed that the cost
of meeting environmental mandates will eat up more than 23%
of the budget of Columbus, Ohio, by the year 2000--and that
assumes no new regulations between now and then. In many cities,
the costs of environmental laws will soon exceed those of police
and fire protection.
<p> Something clearly has to give, and several ideas have already
surfaced. One is that Congress could finally start offering
financial assistance to the small water companies that need
it most. Another is to encourage small systems to merge and
share costs, an approach that has made headway in South Dakota.
The role of the EPA will be crucial. Administrator Carol Browner
says she is willing to reconsider the water law's simplistic
"one size fits all" approach; she is looking at a strategy that
would allow local governments to deal with local problems in
their own way without sacrificing national safety standards.
Browner also supports a novel proposal in which cities and towns
buy up land in watershed areas and regulate its use so that
less pollution gets into reservoirs--something New York City
is already doing under a court order.
<p> The one thing everyone agrees on in this debate is that rainwater
and groundwater are inherently clean; the trouble usually comes
when chemicals, sewage and the like seep into water sources.
"Are we going to allow pollutants to get in and then attempt
to remove them with engineering," asks Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
a lawyer with the N.R.D.C., "or is the most sensible way to
stop the kind of development that is causing pollution?" The
clean-it-up strategy might work for a while, but in the end,
prevention makes much more sense.